Is the love between the Aquarius man and Virgo woman written in the stars? Well, on paper, it’s touch and go. There’s certainly potential, but will Virgo’s perfectionism preclude the ...
Aquarius and Taurus are typically seen as one of the worst love matches on the zodiacal wheel, as they’re so fundamentally different that it’s almost impossible for them to coexist ...
Ruled by two planets a piece, the Aquarius man and Scorpio woman are highly complex people with busy, sometimes contradictory personalities, so their romantic relationships can be interesting to say ...
Defined by their zest for life, intelligence, and, well, an unwillingness to be defined, Aquarius men and Sagittarius women have a lot in common, but does this make them a ...
Pisces are often defined as old souls, and Aquarians? Well… quite the opposite. Those born under the water bearer sign are considered flesh and bone auguries, futuristic beings born to ...
Air signs famously get on well together, but romantic relationships can push the very strongest of bonds to breaking point. Would this be the case for an Aquarius man and ...
Ruled by the sun itself, It’s easy to get burned when you liaise with a Leo. If you treat them wrong, you’ll hear them roar, and if you don’t stack ...
On paper, Aquarius and Gemini are made for one another. These two air signs are so similar in so many ways that they can’t help but hook up, and when ...
Opposites can indeed attract, so it’s understandable that someone born under the air sign Aquarius might end up going steady with someone born under the earth sign Capricorn. But is ...
The joining of an Aquarius man with an Aquarius woman isn’t something we see much of, and it’s a crying shame, as, in many ways, the perfect partner for an ...
Aries is a fire sign, so you’d be forgiven for thinking someone born under this feisty string of stars wouldn’t make such a good match for a water bearer, but ...
Much like the meat of her star animal, the female Cancer’s soul is as tender as can be. This crabby beauty is by far the most nurturing sign on the ...
Aquarius aren’t ones for feeling left out, but you wouldn’t be the first water bearer to be a little salty that yours is one of the few signs that has ...
Free-spirited, restless, and spontaneous, it can be hard to bag an Aquarius, not so much because they’re afraid of commitment, as they love forging deep connections with the right people, ...
Forever challenging and subverting established norms, it’s in Aquarians’ nature to stand out from the crowd, which often makes them incredibly magnetic people. And once they’ve drawn your eye, some ...
It’s common knowledge that those born under the sign of the water bearer can get pretty dang steamy between the sheets, but what makes these rebels with many a cause ...
Born under an air sign, the Aquarius man feels compelled to breathe new life into all things, including the bedroom, which means things can get pretty intense when you meet ...
A born renegade, the Aquarius man thrives on adversity and treading the path less traveled (if trodden at all). To do so, he must be a confident individual, capable of ...