The Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Have you recently had the Strength Tarot card in your reading and don’t know what it means? Maybe you were given a meaning but want to know what else the card could mean? Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter what your reason might be, we are here with the answer for you!

Keep reading to find out what the Strength Tarot card means! We have a complete breakdown of all the possible meanings for you!

Upright Strength Tarot Card General Meaning

Let’s dive straight in with a general meaning of the upright Strength Tarot card! Generally, the card is a sign of inner strength. The card represents emotions being mastered, allowing you to remain calm in a situation.

The card is similar to the Chariot Tarot card and shows us overcoming challenges. 

These challenges refer to anxieties, fears, and our own doubts that we must overcome. The card suggests you are mastering these fears and anxieties, and are becoming daring and courageous.

Now you have the skills you need for success! Combine this with your focus and you are sure to succeed. 

The Strength Tarot card suggests you should take time to master your emotions and be compassionate and patient with yourself and you are sure to find new confidence and belief in your abilities.

The card also suggests you are taming someone’s wild ways. Instead of being achieved through domination, this is done through positive reinforcement, compassion, and encouragement. 

Now that we have looked at the general meaning, let’s dive in a little deeper and look at all the possible meanings of the Strength card! 


Health-wise, the Strength Tarot card suggests your health is improving or is good! You will feel fit and healthy. If you have recently been unwell, the card suggests you will overcome an illness or find your strength again. 

You will find that your mind and body will regain their balance.

This makes it a wonderful time to make any positive changes to your lifestyle. You have all the tools you now need to do this! 

Love And Relationships

The Strength tarot card suggests that your relationship is united and that you are a strong couple. If you have had emotional upheaval in your relationship, the card suggests you are overcoming it.

Any problems you have endured will have brought you together, and can bring you and your partner closer together! 

If you are single, the card suggests a relationship with a Leo might be on its way to you! The Strength card suggests that now is the perfect time to meet someone! Your confidence will shine through, attracting people to you. 

The Strength Tarot card also suggests an upcoming relationship could be with someone with a wild side! This is exciting, but you might feel that the person needs to be tamed and is too wild for you!

You can do this by gently coaxing them, rather than dominating them. 

Money And Career

Career-wise, the card suggests you need to master your emotions and push forward. You have all the tools you need to be successful in your career, you just need bravery and self-belief!

Don’t let the fear of failure or looking like a fool stand in your way. 

If you want a promotion, now is the time to put yourself out there! You might want to start your own business or make a career change. Believe in yourself and make it happen, now is the time to do so! 

Financially, avoid any impulsive decisions. We aren’t saying don’t spend your money, just make sure that the items you are purchasing you need and aren’t simply emotional impulses. 


The Strength Tarot card suggests you have a growing connection to your higher self. This connection will provide you with balance and inner strength that will help you achieve your dreams. 

The more energy you put into this connection, the more harmony you will get. You will achieve the perfect balance between your body, mind, and spirit.

If you have had a tough time, the card is a reminder that you have the strength you need to continue and see an improvement in things! 

Reversed Strength Tarot Card General Meaning 

The reversed Strength Tarot card has a slightly different meaning, so let’s take a look at it now. Generally, the card suggests you are not tapping into your inner strength.

Rather than having a lack of strength, you are letting low self-esteem, anxiety, or fear paralyze you, preventing you from achieving your goals. 

You need to resolve the self-belief issues you have to pull yourself from this fear. Remember that you have the strength you need to overcome your obstacles, you have just lost touch with them. This disconnection will leave you without confidence, feeling weak, and vulnerable. 

Here you need to focus on the positives in your life and avoid people that make you feel negative about yourself. Spend time with those that build you up rather than tear you down! 

Now that we have looked at the general meaning of the reversed Strength card, let’s dive in and look at the meanings in closer detail. 


Health-wise, the reversed Strength card is a sign of good health. The card suggests that you might lack self-control which could be causing bad habits which are impacting your health. Now is the time to reconnect with your inner self-control to tackle these habits. 

Don’t try and overwhelm yourself by changing all your habits at once. It is better to start with small changes that you regularly make. They will add up to one big positive change you are sure to feel better for! 

Love And Relationships

The reversed Strength Tarot card suggests your low self-esteem is causing you to feel unworthy of the love your partner is giving you. To overcome this, you need to resolve your issues and focus on your inner strength and confidence.

If you do not, you might act impulsively and behave in a way that doesn’t reflect your feelings, which could cause problems in your relationship. 

If you are single, the card suggests you have a lack of impulse control or some unresolved self-esteem issues that are leading you to the wrong partners. Quickly, this can become a vicious circle with these bad relationships impacting your self-esteem.

You need to work on your confidence and inner strength to believe you deserve better in relationships. Once you realize that, you will start to attract a better relationship! 

Money And Career 

The card suggests you need to believe in yourself and be brave here to help you progress in your career. The reversed Strength card suggests you have let anxiety and fear hold you back from this progression! 

Fear of failure can paralyze us if we let it. Now is the time to let go of any self-doubt and focus on your inner strength. Your strength, ability, and skills are stronger than you realize, you simply need to believe in yourself! 

Once your confidence has improved, you will feel more focused and find you have more direction. This will be noticed by others too, opening new opportunities for you and your career! 

Financially, the card suggests now is not the time to be impulsive with your money. If you have the extra cash right now, there is no guarantee of knowing how long it lasts. Be smart with your money in case your cash flow changes. 


The reversed Strength card suggests you have a strong connection to a spirit, but emotional worries are preventing you from feeling this connection. Make sure to let go of any self-doubt or anxiety to bring this connection about. Trust us, you will feel the benefits quickly! 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, all the possible meanings of the Strength Tarot card! Now is the time to believe in yourself and put your doubts to one side. Doing so will allow you to achieve all of your goals.

Zhara O’Brien
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