The Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Have you had the Page of Pentacles Tarot card in your reading and don’t know what it means? Maybe you were given an interpretation but want to know what else the card could mean?

Finding out what your Tarot cards mean can be tricky, especially if you are new to the world of Tarot readings. Frustrated and overwhelmed, you wonder if you will ever know what the Page of Pentacles Tarot card means. 

Keep reading to find out what the Page of Pentacles Tarot card means. Whether the card is upright or reversed, we are here with a detailed look at the meanings and some helpful tips on how you can use the meaning of the card to make changes in your life. 

Upright Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card General Meaning 

Let’s start with a look at the general meaning of the Tarot card!

Generally, the Page of Pentacles is a good card to get!

It comes with good news in earthly matters like career, education, money, business, property, and health. The card represents laying the foundation or a solid start for success. 

When the card appears, you need to decide what you want and go for it!

Now is the time to seize your opportunities while you can. If you make the right decisions now and put the groundwork in, you will achieve your long-term goals and find success.

You might also find yourself thinking about your long-term future when the card appears.        

If the card represents a person, they will be a child, a young person, or someone young at heart. They will be grounded, dependable, ambitious, responsible, and loyal.

They will also have common sense and excellent future prospects.

They might be an Earth sign like a Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. 

Now that we have established the general meaning, let’s dive in deeper and take a look at what the card means. No matter what reading you have, we have the meaning for you!         


Health-wise, the Page of Pentacles suggests feeling healthy and young no matter how old you are! You might be beginning a new fitness or health regime when the card appears. 

The card tells you now is the time to put the effort in to achieve your goals.

Pentacles are associated with the Earth element, so now is a good time to get back into nature if you want to achieve your goals. 

Taking up mountain climbing, hiking, or incorporating more natural foods can help to transform your life and your health! The card is also an indicator of good news health-wise.

This could be a pregnancy or birth. 

Love And Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the Page of Pentacles suggests there is faithfulness and loyalty in your relationship. However, the card can also suggest a spark or passion might have gone in the relationship!

Don’t panic, this isn’t an indication of a serious issue in your relationship, but rather you need to inject some fun into it! 

If you are single, the Page of Pentacles suggests there are plenty of opportunities for love in your life, you need to grab them with both hands! If you are interested in someone, do not sit on the fence!

Jump in with both feet and take your chance. You never know what could come of it! 

Money And Career

Career-wise, the Page of Pentacles is a good one suggesting setting goals, deciding what you want and going for it, and putting in the groundwork for success.

If you are working for someone else, self-employed, or looking for work, the card tells you opportunities are available and you should grab them with both hands. 

The card can also indicate looking for further education.

You might be enrolled in a course you will excel in if you put the work in. 

Financially, the Page of Pentacles suggests good financial news is on its way!

This will be a reward for your hard work. It represents putting things in place to provide you with a financial future.

If you have considered buying a property or waiting for an offer on a property to be accepted, the card is a sign it will go in your favor! 


The Page of Pentacles suggests you are looking to further your spiritual knowledge. You might be studying the Tarot or developing your powers of divination.

You might also find yourself experimenting with nature religions like Wicca or Paganism. 

Now is the time to educate yourself on spiritual paths that will help you in the future! 

Reversed Page Of Pentacles Tarot Card General Meaning 

The reversed Page of Pentacles has a different meaning, so let’s take a look at it now. Generally, the card is the bearer of bad news.

The card indicates that your present challenges are a consequence of your own inaction or behavior, rather than an outside or unseen force.

It can be difficult to accept that you are the cause of the situation, but doing so will help you rectify it! 

The reversed card can also indicate impatience, frustration, foolishness, and laziness. When you see the card, it is time to stop procrastinating and go after what you want!

The world is not going to hand things to you, you need to go out and get what you want!

If you want to achieve your dreams, now is the time to seize every opportunity that comes your way! 

If representing a person, the reversed Page of Pentacles represents a child, a young person, or someone young at heart.

They will be disloyal, immature, lazy, sullen, irresponsible, or rebellious.

They will also have poor prospects and little common sense. They will be an Earth sign, like a Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. 

Now that we have established what the general meaning is, let’s dive in and look at the card in closer detail!

We have all the meanings below depending on the reading you have. 


Health-wise, the reversed Page of pentacles suggests you might not feel good at the moment. The card suggests an unhealthy lifestyle that is preventing you from getting fit or healthy.

Now is the time to stop procrastinating and focus on your health! 

You might want to try new fitness classes or shake up your current routine to see if that helps. Usually, the card suggests that your current plan is not working for you due to it being overly ambitious or unworkable. 

Instead, set yourself small and achievable goals that you can build from.

The reversed Page of Pentacles can also indicate bad news. There might be health issues or a difficult pregnancy. The card can be a major warning not to be irresponsible when it comes to drugs or alcohol. 

Love And Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Page of Pentacles suggests you need to be on your guard. There is a possibility of unfaithfulness or disloyalty in your relationship!

The card can also suggest a moody or sullen temperament or lack of maturity. This could apply to you or your partner! 

If you mistreat or direct your partner, you will lose them, leaving you filled with regret.

There might also be frustration and boredom, so you might need to put some work into making your relationship fun again! 

If you are single, the reversed Page of Pentacles tells you now is not the time for a serious relationship.

As long as you are honest with your potential partners before heading into anything, you can relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself! 

Money And Career

Career-wise, the reversed Page of Pentacles is not a good omen, suggesting bad news. The card can mean you are lacking goals, following through, or not putting in enough groundwork to achieve success. 

There are opportunities available to you, but you aren’t making the most of them or seizing them.

This could be down to laziness, procrastination, or lack of common sense. If you are in full or part-time education, the reversed card suggests dropping out, underachieving, failing, or experiencing learning difficulties.

Be sure to reach out for help and support to see if you can boost your grades or get some extra help with your work. 

Financially, the reversed Page of Pentacles suggests a lack of financial stability or bad financial news. The card can suggest a lack of money that is causing you anxiety. However, the card can also suggest you are not being responsible with your money! 

Even if you are on a low wage, you should live within your means.

If possible, put something small aside. Doing so will provide you with a financial safety net should anything go wrong. 


The reversed Page of Pentacles suggests that your desire for spiritual power or knowledge might take you down a dangerous path. Your studying of divination or Tarot cards might become an obsession.

You might be tempted to explore dark magic here. 

Now is the time to stay grounded! Remember that power comes with responsibility, and that dark magic is better left untouched. Everything that you give out will come back to you three times, if you lose sight of this you can find yourself in danger. 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, all the possible meanings of the Page of Pentacles tarot card! Whether the card appears upright or reversed, now is the time to focus on your goals and go after what you want! 

Zhara O’Brien
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