The Knight Of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Have you had the Knight of Swords Tarot card in your reading and don’t know what it means? Perhaps you have been given an interpretation but want to know what else it could mean?

Finding out what your Tarot card reading means can be tricky, especially when the Knight of Swords appears. You head online for some guidance but are met with pages and pages of conflicting and contradicting advice. Frustrated and overwhelmed, you are left wondering who to trust or where to turn. Will you ever know what the Knight of Swords means?

Keep reading to see all the possible meanings of the Knight of Swords Tarot card. Whether the card appears upright or reversed, we are here with all the possible meanings and some advice on how to use the card meanings to make changes in your life. 

Upright Knight Of Swords Tarot Card General Meaning 

Let’s start with the general meaning of the upright Knight of Swords. Generally, the card tells you a big change is coming! You will have been waiting for this change for a while, so be ready to roll with it when it comes!

Now is the time to seize the moment, jump in! 

The card suggests being intellectual, quick-witted, honest, assertive, and direct. It also represents being brave, daring, courageous, dashing, or rebellious.

The Knight of Swords also suggests being focused, single-minded, talkative, forward-thinking, and ambitious. 

You might also go against the flow when the card appears.

You will have good leadership skills, be a risk-taker, and be a perfectionist. When it represents a person, the Knight of Swords is usually a male adult between 20 and 35 years of age. 

He will have a strong personality, will be rebellious, intelligent, a fast talker, and quick-witted. He might be an air sign like a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.

The knight is rational and assertive, but he can also be impulsive and impatient.

He will be direct, but this can sometimes seem insensitive. 

However, he will be adventurous and exciting. It is these qualities that will draw people to him. The card also suggests heroes, warriors, and champions charging into battle.

It can also represent someone in the military or a soldier. 

Now that we have established what the Knight of Swords means, let’s dive in a little deeper to look at the meanings in more detail, depending on the reading you have requested. 


Health-wise, the Knight of Swords represents an upswing in your health and good news.

If you have been struggling with an injury or illness, a positive change is coming. Make the most of the change when it comes your way! 

Love And Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the Knight of Swords suggests you are in a relationship with someone who has the qualities we mentioned earlier.

You might be the person displaying some of these qualities too. 

The card can also suggest that the change you have been waiting for is imminent. Be ready to jump in with both feet when the change arrives! The change could be a deeper commitment like a romantic or marriage proposal. 

However, the Knight of Swords can also suggest that your partner is considering leaving the relationship.

The card can suggest a departure and that you or your partner may need to fight to keep the other. 

If you are single, the Knight of Swords suggests you will meet someone who embodies the qualities that we mentioned earlier. You might also display some of these characteristics in your love life.

The card also suggests a romantic proposal is coming your way or you will be swept off your feet. An exciting time is waiting for you! 

Money And Career

Career-wise, the Knight of Swords suggests determination, drive, and ambition. You know what you want and you are going for it! The card tells you that those who dares wins.

So now is the time to be brave, bold, daring, and courageous. Go after what you want with all your energy. 

The Knight of Swords also suggests a change in your career. It can also represent an arrival or departure. You might get the promotion you have been working towards or a new job in a different industry.

Whatever the change is, it will be a positive one and one you have wanted for a while.

Make sure that you grab it with both hands when it appears. 

The Tarot card also represents a career in the military or police that would suit you. It’s worth considering these careers, especially if they have interested you in the past. 

Financially, the Knight of Swords represents big opportunities coming your way or an upswing in your finances.

There might be a wonderful investment opportunity coming your way or a windfall when you see the Knight of Swords in your Tarot reading. 


The Knight of Swords suggests a big change is coming! In your life, many elements will come together at the right time and the universe will provide you with an opportunity to advance on your path. 

Now is your time to embrace your destiny, so jump at the chance!

Good things are on their way, so be sure to let the universe do its thing! 

Reversed Knight Of Swords Tarot Card General Meaning 

The reversed Knight of Swords has a different meaning, so let’s take a look at what the card means now. Generally, it suggests a big change you have been waiting for has come your way, but you have not seized or recognized it. 

You might not be ready to jump on the change, or you feel out of your depth.

Whatever the reason is, if you miss this opportunity, you will get left behind! You don’t want that! 

The card can also represent leading others into danger or trouble, being out of control, or heading for a fall. The reversed Knight of Swords suggests being tactless, self-obsessed, insincere, rude, cynical, sarcastic, or hurtful.

Be mindful of the words you use and how they can impact others when this card appears.

The Tarot card also suggests being a follower or a sheep and going with the flow. You might follow the crowd without thinking about the consequences.

The reversed Knight of Swords suggests that you or someone around you is being a know it all, acting superior or having an inferiority complex. 

As a person, the reversed Knight of Swords will be an adult male, usually between 20 and 35 years of age. They will be impulsive and overly cocky to the point where they put others in jeopardy.

They will be an air sign like a Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius.

The card can also represent a person who is not very communicative or intelligent. 

The reversed Knight of Swords can also suggest someone that is a fast talker and quick thinker but uses these qualities the wrong way.

They will talk you into trouble, or rush into things without thinking and put themselves or others in danger. In the extreme negative, they will be illogical, intimidating, aggressive, and arrogant. 

The reversed Knight of Swords can also suggest someone dangerous, vicious, a criminal, or a bully.

Now that we have looked at the general meaning of the reversed Knight of Swords, let’s dive in and look at the meanings in closer detail, depending on the reading you are having! 


Health-wise, the reversed Knight of Swords suggests disappointing news. If you have been struggling with an injury or illness, you might be impatient or frustrated with how quickly you are healing and recovering. 

The card can also suggest mental health issues like self-harm, depression, and bipolar.

Make sure to reach out to medical professionals for support if you are worried about or experiencing any mental health issues. 

Love And Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the reversed Knight of Swords suggests that you are in a relationship with someone with the qualities we mentioned earlier. You might also be displaying some of these qualities in your love life. 

Take care if the card represents your partner, as it indicates that they are aggressive, abusive, controlling, dangerous, or violent. Make sure to seek help if you are concerned about aggression and violence. 

The card also suggests that you or your partner are feeling out of depth in the relationship.

One of you might want to put the brakes on. Some open and honest conversations here can help to identify any issues causing this feeling and help to rectify the situation. 

If you are single, the reversed Knight of Swords suggests you will meet someone with the qualities that we mentioned earlier. You might also display some of these qualities yourself in your love life. You need to be careful, as the reversed knight can be dangerous, aggressive, and vicious. 

The Tarot card also suggests that someone you are interested in will not be interested in you.

They might not want a relationship at the moment, or you might need to fight for their attention. 

Money And Career

Career-wise, the reversed Knight of Swords indicates you are feeling out of your depth at work.

You might have been thrown into the deep end with a project, or struggling to find your feet. 

Alternatively, it can suggest you are acting arrogant or coming across as a know it all to your colleagues. Take care of how you communicate with your colleagues.

The reversed card also suggests that big opportunities are around but you are hesitant about taking them or being afraid to take the lead.

Be careful not to miss out here, or you will get left behind!

Financially, the reversed Knight of Swords can indicate criminality. Take care here with your belongings and money! Be mindful of who you trust when it comes to financial matters.

It can also represent missing a financial opportunity or getting left behind.

Be too hesitant about jumping in when chances come your way. Do your research beforehand to ensure the opportunities are as good as they seem to be. 


The reversed Knight of Swords is telling you to slow down! You need to allow yourself time to adjust to changes happening to you spiritually.

You might have missed an opportunity to seize your destiny.

If this is the case, now is not the time to wallow in regret or worry. 

Instead, use this time to learn from the experience. If it is meant to be, the universe will present the opportunity to you again. Be ready to grab it with both hands when it appears! 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, all the possible meanings of the Knight of Swords Tarot card! Whether the card is upright or reversed, be sure to take the opportunities that come your way, you never know where these changes could take you. 

Zhara O’Brien
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