Have you had the Judgement Tarot card in your reading and don’t know what it means? Maybe the interpretation you were given sounds off? Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter the reason that brought you here, we are here with the answers for you!
Well, no more! Today, we are here with the answers you need. Keep reading to find out all the possible meanings of the upright and reversed Judgement Tarot card. Plus, we even have some tips about how you can incorporate the meanings and warnings into your life!
Upright Judgement Tarot Card General Meaning
Let’s begin with a general meaning. Generally, the card suggests someone you care about, or you are being judged too harshly by others. The card also suggests that you are making snap judgments or judging people too harshly.
The Judgement Tarot card can also suggest you have found composure and clarity that allows you to evaluate yourself and your choices calmly to make positive decisions.
Past karmic lessons have provided you with more self-awareness, allowing healing to take place.
Now you can move forward positively!
If there is a big decision that you need to make, use the lessons you have learned to make the right choice. The card can also represent a legal case or issue being resolved. If you have told the truth and acted honorably, the issue should be resolved in your favor.
However, if you have been dishonest, it is likely that things will not go your way! Take the time to clear your conscience and make amends with those that have been impacted by your misdeeds.
The upright Judgement Tarot card can also suggest that the ocean or a sea is separating you from someone you love. When the card appears, you can expect to be reunited with them soon!
The card can also suggest homesickness.
Now that we have looked at the general meaning of the card, let’s dive in a little closer and see what else the card can mean depending on the reading you have!
Health-wise, the card suggests a period of wholeness and healing after a difficult illness. You have made it through the tough times and now it is time to heal!
You will have learned from these tough times and be ready to take the correct steps to help you recover.
Love And Relationships
If you are in a relationship, the Judgement card suggests you or your partner is judging the other too harshly. Here you need to be wary when blaming or accusing one another, especially when you are arguing.
You will be looking to provoke a reaction, which can damage your relationship!
Take time to pause here. It is better to sit down and talk through your feelings without blaming the other. Forgive past mistakes if you want the relationship to continue. You have an opportunity to breathe new life into the relationship with open and honest communication.
The Judgement card can also suggest that others are talking about you and your partner or judging your relationship. Don’t get drawn into these conversations. Instead, rise above it and tune out their judgments.
The card also suggests that someone you love is separated from you by a sea or ocean. Your partner might live in a different country for a while or you might have a long-distance relationship.
If you are single, the card suggests you take your time when judging someone. Don’t be too hasty! Give yourself a chance to get to know someone before deciding if they are right or wrong for you.
You also need to be mindful of how you come across. Remember, you can only make one first impression, so make it count!
Money And Career
Career-wise, the Judgement card suggests you are being evaluated or assessed. You might be being considered for promotion without knowing it! Take care with how you present yourself when you see this card!
If you have let any projects slide lately, now is the time to focus on them! Make sure you are showcasing just how good you are at your job!
Financially, the card suggests you need to be careful with your money.
Don’t make any snap judgments!
You will want to have all the information that you need to help you make an informed decision.
Avoid any investments or big purchases until you have all the information!
The card also suggests a loss in a lawsuit. Don’t do anything that could lead to trouble or be negligent like dangerous driving. Make sure all your insurance is up to date too!
The Judgement card suggests you will have a spiritual awakening. You have learned from karmic lessons in your past and understand what the universe is guiding you to. You will be ready for a more enlightened spiritual path.
The card also suggests you have found your spiritual calling. You might also go through a spiritual renewal or rebirth.
Reversed Judgement Tarot Card General Meaning
The reversed Judgment card has a different meaning so let’s take a look at what the card means now! Generally, the card suggests you are letting self-doubt and fear hold you back from making decisions that will help you move forward in a positive direction.
Don’t delay, now is the time to take action!
Delaying might mean you miss opportunities that are available to you. The card can also mean you are refusing to learn from the karmic lessons of your past. You are unable to see the lessons learned from mistakes, causing you to repeat them!
The reversed Judgment card also suggests you are being overly critical of others and are not focusing on your shortcomings. This will cause trouble so shift the focus back to yourself. Fix the issues in your own life before you judge others for their mistakes!
The card also suggests others are being overly critical, judging, or blaming you for something that isn’t your fault. Don’t let them influence your decisions! Instead, rise above the drama!
Focus on doing what you want to do instead.
The reversed Judgment card can also suggest a court case or legal matter will be resolved, but the resolution will be unfair or unjust.
Now that we have looked at the general meaning of the reversed Judgment card, let’s dive in and look at the possible meanings and readings in closer detail!
Health-wise, the reversed Judgment card suggests you need to let go of negative energy if you have a long-term injury or illness. If you are holding onto a grudge or anger towards someone that contributed to your injury or illness, now is the time to let it go!
By holding onto this energy, you are making your recovery harder.
It can be hard, but you need to accept what has happened and let it go so you can move forward.
Love And Relationships
If you are in a relationship, the reversed Judgment card suggests you are avoiding making a decision about the relationship. Self-doubt is stopping you deciding whether to end the relationship or keep it moving forward. You need to make this decision, as tough as it can be!
The card also suggests false accusations or malicious gossip. If you have heard rumors about your partner, make sure to take a breath before making a judgment.
The likelihood is the rumor isn’t true!
The card also suggests issues caused by failure to learn from the past. Are you and your partner going through a rough patch but aren’t getting closer?
If so, you need to ask yourself if you have learned everything you could from past issues. Are you applying these lessons to your relationship? If you are not, now is the time to get shifting!
If you are single, the reversed Judgment card suggests embarrassment or shyness is preventing you from approaching the person you are interested in.
Don’t let this fear hold you back! No matter the way it works out, it’s better to try than spend your life wondering what if!
Money And Career
The reversed Tarot card suggests you are at a turning point in your career. It is make or break here for you. You need to make a decision, but self-doubt has paralyzed you!
Now is not the time to be indecisive. You need to seize the opportunities available. Letting them slip by can leave you with regrets later on!
Financially, you don;t want to be overly cautious with your money. We don’t mean you need to blow them all in a casino, but giving yourself a little slack won’t hurt.
You might deliberate every purchase, but if you can afford it and you need it, get it! You can be financially responsible without fretting about every penny.
The reversed Judgment card suggests you are refusing to learn or missing your karmic lessons. If you don’t learn, the universe will bring these lessons back bolder and bigger than before!
It’s best to learn them the first time.
Make sure you allow yourself time to absorb the lessons so you can move forward positively.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, all the possible meanings of the Judgement Tarot card! No matter the reading you have, be sure to pause and consider all the information before you make a decision or judgment about someone.
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