Have you had the Four of Swords Tarot card in your reading and want to know what it means? Perhaps you were given an interpretation but want to know what else the card could mean? Or are you curious about Tarot readings and want to know more? No matter the reason that brought you here today, we have the answer for you!
Finding out what your Tarot reading means can be tricky, especially if you have never had one before. You head online for some guidance but are met with pages and pages of conflicting and confusing information. Disappointed and overwhelmed, you are left wondering where you can turn or who you should trust.
Well, no more! Today we are here with the answers you need. Keep reading to find out what the Four of Swords Tarot card means. Whether the card appears upright or reversed, we have all the meanings listed below and some advice on how you can use the reading to make changes to your life.
Let’s not delay any longer and get you the answers you need now.
Upright Four Of Swords Tarot Card General Meaning
Generally, the Four of Swords Tarot card suggests anxiety, fear, and stress. You will feel mentally overloaded and overwhelmed when you see this card! It suggests that the issues you are facing aren’t as bad as you believe and that there are solutions available to you!
The Four of Swords suggests that you are letting negativity set in. you are becoming so overwhelmed that you can’t see or think clearly. The card reflects your mental state more than the problems you are facing.
Now is the time to regroup, relax, and take a rational approach to your situation. Setting aside your fears and creating a logical plan will allow you to find a way forward that suits you.
The Four of Swords also suggests you need introspection, peace, quiet, relaxation, rest, and sanctuary. It is the card of hospitalization and recuperation. It also represents receiving spiritual support, counseling, and having faith.
Now that we have looked at the general meaning of the card, let’s dive in a little deeper to see what the card means depending on the reading you have.
Health-wise, the Four of Swords suggests you need recuperation or rest. The card can even suggest being hospitalized for an injury or illness. You might also have anxiety-related illnesses that are exasperated. Try to take some time to reboot and relax. Your health will thank you for it!
Love And Relationships
If you are in a relationship, the Four of Swords suggests you and your partner are taking time out to reconnect, regroup, and rest. Anxiety, fear, and stress have left you and your partner needing peace and quiet.
The card also suggests that one or both of you feel disconnected from the relationship. You might seek solitude as a reaction to any pressure you are currently feeling. Quality time away from your stresses here would benefit both you and your partner. It will allow you to remember why you are together, reconnect, and create a plan to deal with the stress in the future.
If you are single, the Four of Swords suggests you need some introspection and solitude to help figure out what you want in a partner. Do not let the fear of being single overwhelm you! Jumping into a relationship just because of the fear of being single will not work out for you in the long term. Remember, the right person usually appears when you are least expecting them!
Money And Career
Career-wise, the Four of Swords Tarot card suggests you are feeling the pressure at work! Worries are stress causing you to be overwhelmed and feel mental overload. The card suggests you are struggling to cope and need some relaxation and rest to regroup and get yourself back on track.
Financially, the Four of Swords suggests you have been under financial pressure for a while now to the point where you are overwhelmed with the pressure you don’t believe things will get better. Remember that this is only your perception! Things are not as bad as you think, there is always a solution and a way out.
It can be hard but try to relax here. Gather your thoughts and don’t let the negativity cloud them!
The Four of Swords suggests you might need sanctuary or solitude. You need to listen to your inner wisdom and slow down. You might find meditation helpful at this time. Spiritual support and counseling might also help you.
If you have been going through a tough time recently, the card tells you to have faith. You will come through this and into brighter times.
Reversed Four Of Swords Tarot Card General Meaning
The reversed Four of Swords Tarot card has a slightly different meaning, let’s take a look at what it can mean now. Generally, the card represents finding mental strength and awakening. You will come out of isolation after a time of mental overload and solitude to rejoin the world.
The card also suggests you are recovering slowly and that healing is possible. The card can also suggest that your anxiety or stress levels have reached a point of burnout, collapse, or mental breakdown is possible.
You need to take care of yourself to prevent this from happening. When the card appears you will have a sense of restlessness and extreme anxiety. Remember, these feelings do not last forever.
Now that we have established the general meaning of the card, let’s dive in a little deeper to see what else the card means depending on the reading you have.
Health-wise, the reversed Four of Swords suggests recovery and healing after a period of poor physical or mental health. The card can also suggest pushing yourself too far or not taking care of yourself to the point of burnout! The card can also suggest a nervous breakdown or mental collapse.
Love And Relationships
If you are in a relationship, the reversed Four of Swords suggests your relationship is starting to recover from a difficult period. The card can also suggest anxiety and stress you or your partner have experienced is spiraling, pushing your relationship to its breaking point. The supporting cards in your reading will confirm this.
If you are single, the reversed Four of Swords suggests a time of healing and recovery after a bad relationship or the mourning period of bereavement. Slowly, you are getting ready to come out of isolation and join the world.
The card can also suggest that your anxieties and fears have gotten to you. You might have lost faith entirely that you will ever have a happy relationship. Some support or counseling here would be beneficial to help you get through this. Even if you don’t think it will help, it’s good to get some positivity and perspective to help you move forward!
Money And Career
Career-wise, the reversed Four of Swords suggests you are returning to work after an illness, break, or period of time off. You might have needed this break to get your stress levels under control. You now feel like you can manage your work environment and workload. Before returning to work, make sure you have strategies ready to help you cope with stress!
The reversed Four of Swords can also suggest that your levels of anxiety or stress have reached boiling point. It’s time to consider looking for a new job. Ask yourself, is any job worth making you feel unhappy? The answer is always no! Consider what else there is that you could do for work.
Financially, the reversed Four of Swords suggests that your finances are recovering after a difficult time. You will feel relieved as the pressure lifts. The card can also suggest that you are heading for burnout and are overwhelmed with financial pressure.
The card suggests that you are not accepting the help that is available to you. If you are struggling with debt, some people and organizations can help you. Do not turn down the help!
The reversed Four of Swords suggests you have lost your faith. You might also be having a spiritual crisis caused by anxiety and fear. You might be offered spiritual support or counseling but have rejected it.
Grounding, meditation, and rest are super important when this card appears! You need to protect and take care of yourself to ensure you progress on your spiritual journey.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, all the possible meanings of the Four of Swords Tarot card! Whether the card appears upright or reversed, now is the time to take care of yourself. Do not let the stresses and anxiety in your life get you down. Remember, these feelings are only temporary and there is support out there should you need it.
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